Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As today is election day, I thought I'd try and write a little about politics. I will try to keep my personal views on who's better out of this, but I can't promise anything. Mainly I want to talk about some things that I don't like about politics or the way it's being done. First off, I am so glad that this whole thing will be over in a matter of hours. I am tired of all the ads. Especially all the attack ads. I'll tell you this, if it wasn't so easy to vote here in Oregon, I probably wouldn't have. But since I voted in the comfort of my bed and was able to just drop off the ballot, I figured I might as well. But by this point I am just totally done with it all. The ads running for out senate race have been some of the nastiest I've ever seen. And to top it off they will run 3 or 4 in a row all for the same person. I've started changing the channel during commercials because I can't stand them anymore. Why is it that we want any of these nasty people in charge of our government at all. I think that's the real problem I have with politics. It seems to bring out the worst in people and the worst people. It always seems like we're picking the lesser of two evils as opposed to the best and the brightest. I, for one, am tired of the whole thing. The problem is, that all tomorrow brings is the start of the next campaign season. This one lasted 2 years. The next will probably be longer and even more painful. Anyway, I'll try and move on to another part of this whole thing that bothers me. We, as evangelicals, are told to always vote pro-life. But thats not enough for me. When we focus in so much on one particular topic or issue we tend to lose sight of the bigger picture. To me, we need to care for every human life. From conception to death. Be that the unborn, the elderly, the orphan, the widow, the soldier, the homosexual, the so called "enemy," the Iraqi, every single human life is valued by god, and so should be valued by His children. In an article by Cameron Strang, the editor of Relevant Magazine, he called it Whole-Life.That is a beautiful term. I heard a young christian say that he supported McCain. He said that while being pro-life wasn't enough to qualify you to be president, being pro-coice was enough to disqualify you. [This was in a video by PBS. It's towards the end of the video.] I have no problem with him supporting McCain. But if that is the only reason he is supporting him, while he agrees more with Obama, that just seems a little short sighted. All that to say, get out and vote. But make sure you are truly thinking about your vote and what it means.

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