It's strange. It seems for all the care that has been put into helping women through pregnancy, there is very little help for men. I do understand that it is harder on women. But Still. We're only a little ways in and I'm already going crazy. While my body may not be changing and I don't have another life growing in me. There are so many things changing that it's hard to keep up with. I've been having these weird dreams that I can only figure out that my mind is rejecting the whole thing and sending me off to other places and times. Like the last 8 years didn't even happen.The dreams are also weird because I very rarely remember my dreams. But I've had several vivid continuing dreams over the last couple months. Plus there is the mental pain that is caused by seeing my wife go through all of these changes and knowing that there is nothing I can do to ease any of her suffering. No matter how I try to help her feel better or at least a little more relaxed, it never really helps. one of the hardest things for me right now is being gone at work most nights. I have to leave her at home to go through anything on her own. I know that she is usually asleep about the time I'm leaving and gets up not long before I get home. But, I just feel that I should be there to help her. Even though she swears she doesn't need or always want me there. I have found a few books and websites for fathers. But none of it really seems to help. Plus, I know that most of my problems are in my head and caused my me. But none of this helps. All I can do is try my hardest to take care of my beautiful wife and our beautiful child.
All any of us can do is try our hardest and depend on God to guide us through parenthood. It is a challenge, but God is faithful!
G ~
You are an amazing father. I can't imagine anyone else I would want to go through this with. I love you!
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